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Transport Museum

Tramway Managers

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Liverpool No.762

One of 12 bogie cars built in 1931/1932 at Edge Lane works, 70 seat car 762 was originally fitted with English Electric bogies and concealing valances. It was rebuilt in 1939 with EMB lightweight bogies and painted in a green livery. When it was withdrawn in 1955, the lower saloon became a bowling green clubhouse at Newsham Park.

By 1977 it had become derelict but was rescued by society members. Restoration work began at Green Lane depot two years later, but due to lack of accommodation it had to be stored in the open for 18 months. Work was continued at Speke and Princes Dock, but was suspended at Lairds while Birkenhead 20 was finished. On February 6 2000, 762 was placed on the rails at Pacific Road, and in 2001, 762 was running in service on the heritage line, looking just as it did in the 1930s.


762 01

762 02
762 03
Tram 762 under restoration
With Dave Jones and Terry
at Cammel Laird
Leaving Lairds
Green Lane
Ron Martin
762 on back of lorry
leaving Green Lane
New Roof

Birkenhead 7
Isle of Man 11 & 47