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Archive 2003



Sunday 14th September 2003

MTPS visit to CRICH

MTPS members and friends enjoyed the annual trip to Crich, riding on the trams, driving 869 or just taking advantage of the fine weather. Also on hand was Liverpool Corporation bus A267 together with members of the Merseyside Transport Trust. A267 and 869 together provided a unique photographic opportunity and a "drive past" was staged with both vehicles plus the preserved Crosville coach used by the MTPS on the day. Thanks go to Keith Carmichael for organising the trip and Malcolm Wright and colleagues at Crich for providing driving instruction and 869.



Tuesday 12th August 2003

An Email from Texas....

There is already a link on the MTPS site to my Liverpool Tram site, but in case anyone is interested, I am also continuing to add to my "world tram site". (

On my future systems page, I have just added today a "sneak preview" of one of the new Houston cars - seen in the depot and shot by telephoto lens through the fence.

I believe the Houston Metro cars are based on the Strasbourg design. The system is not due to start-up until 2004.

Here's the page with the photo:

best regards

Ron Smith
MTPS Member
Houston, Texas


Saturday 12th July 2003
Ex Dundee trailer no.2 having been cut in half, is now in the process of being converted into a waiting room. Keith Dewar and Rob Jones formed the working party on Saturday 12th July 2003. The car is progressing but the restoration of the 120 year ceiling has proved difficult but it is looking good now. The ash framing is looking beautiful now that it is varnished. (below)
Bulkheads have been made by Bill "the chippy" Stock in his Aintree workshop (Garage). New doors have been made from old Stockport tram doors - one is mahogany and one is oak. Quarter lights have been restored by Stan "Stockport Tram" Heaton in his Southport workshop. (Garage). Lamps are being ordered. The car is mounted on industrial castors so that it can be moved around the shed.